Clockwork Orange Inspires unusual winning picture for East Grinstead Camera Club

ast Grinstead Camera Club: Clockwork Orange : Wins Best Picture at the 2017 Annual Sussex Photographic Federation Championships. – Event took place April 2017
East Grinstead Camera Club wins print of the year 2017 at Sussex Photographic Federation Print Competition. This is an annual competition open to all the Camera clubs in Sussex to put forward their best photographic prints in both a development (beginners to intermediated section) and Advance Section.
At the end of the day an overall print winner is decided who takes home The Portman Cup and have their name engraved on the trophy. This year full marks totalling 60 points the maximum that can be awarded by the three Judges Alison Cawley ARPS, DPAGB, EFIAP, Caroline Colegate APRS and Martin Faiers for its originality, photographic and editing skills. The winner of this print was a Mr Lawrence Homewood of East Grinstead Camera Club for Clockwork Orange. He also won two other awards on the day again for Clockwork Orange as the best print in the Development Section and also Judge Martin Faiers awarded Autumn Shades Leaves of Betrayal his personal favourite print of the day detailing why he loved the photograph so much.
President of East Grinstead Camera Club Peter Bishop was delighted with the results and accepted the awards on the day. Lawrence Homewood author of Clockwork Orange said the concept and idea took several weeks to develop it all started with a purchase of a new macro lens which I used to take a photograph of an Orange then adding other elements such as the ballerina red head model and a clock face to the orange hence the title. Naturally a little inspiration came from the the iconic film of the same name.
Each Club can enter a maximum of 6 prints in both the Advanced and Development section which are all independently marked by the Judges on the day and a league table is drawn up at the end of procedings.. The overall winners in the Development Section was Eastbourne Camera club with a score of 308, East Grinstead Camera Club came forth in this section with 302 points. In the Advanced section Eastbourne Camera Club won with a total of 291 points, East Grinstead Camera Club came twelfth with 270 points
Peter Bishop President of East Grinstead Camera Club said If you have an interest in photography or want to learn more about photography please feel free to come and visit us during our weekly Thursday night meetings which are held Felbridge village hall, Crawley Down Road, Felbridge, RH19 2PS, in the Club Room from 7.45pm to 10pm from September to early May. We run a varied program of talks, workshops, competitions, day trips and other social activities. More information can be found on our facebook page East Grinstead Camera Club or our website or telephone Peter Bishop on 01342 327548.